Wednesday 24 December 2014

Viral Angels Pro's Buy Low Sell High Method

In my last Viral Angels post called 'Viral Angels: I've Changed My Mind' I mentioned the buy low sell high method. What is the Viral Angels Pro Buy Low Sell High Method?

With this simple yet very profitable trading method you can make serious money as a full member of Viral Angels. The whole idea using this method is to buy the shares low, and sell them for a higher price. Pretty straightforward, right?  Here is the proof that it can be done.

The below image is a print-screen from my trading account.

viral angels pro buy low sell high method

As you can see, I have purchased the shares for €0,005712 and I am selling these same shares straight away for €0,006936! Clearly, every time this I do this, I am making a profit.

And, it practically goes on, semi automatic, 24/7 per day. 365 days per year!

The whole idea is that you invest in buying your shares for the lowest possible price. Once you have acquired your first shares for the lowest price, you put them up for sale for the highest possible price. Most of the times, the difference between the lowest and highest prices is around 1 cent. Sometimes (when you're lucky) it can even be more than that.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Viral Angels: I've Changed My Mind..

I am really enjoying myself and actually really feel I am getting the hang of things inside of Viral Angels. However, I have changed my mind a bit about Viral Angels at the same time.

First of all, all Viral Angels members have had more good news over the last few days. We all received more shares. Let me begin with sharing with you what every member has received in shares ever since the first of December.

Viral Angels Shares allocated to each member (1 to 23 December 2014):

Gold, cost €89 per month. Every member received a total of 56.1 Euro in shares.
Platinum, cost €145 per month. Every member received a total of 133.69 Euro in shares.
Ruby, cost €295 per month. Every member received a total of 269.3 Euro in shares.
Sapphire, cost €420 per month. Every member received a total of 382.19 Euro in shares.
* Emerald, cost €585 per month. Every member received a total of 676.07 Euro in shares.
* Diamond, cost €750 per month. Every member received a total of 863.24 Euro in shares.
* Black Diamond, cost €990 per month. Received in shares total 1138.47 Euro in shares.

As the previous times we looked at the Viral Angels share allocations, the top 3 membership levels are profitable. Black Diamond, Diamond and Emerald all three have received more in share allocations than that they paid membership fees. 

However. And here is where I have changed my mind on Viral Angels a bit, you do not need to get yourself the highest level of membership as your first priority.

Although it is nice to be on the top three levels, the other levels don't really look like they have any benefit to them other than the shares you get allocated. More than likely, each membership level will profit a bit, but not like the top three levels.

But, here is the trick. The big money is not really only with the top three levels here. You could be a Gold level beginner membership inside of Viral Angels and still quietly make yourself a little fortune.

Here is my advise. Get a Gold level to start. Pay your 89 Euro and simply become a paying member.

There. That's all you need. Only go up to Black Diamond level at 990 per month, once your Viral Angels account has actually brought that in profits to you while you are a gold level member.

Here is the trick I am going to be using. (I've tested it on smaller amounts and it works!)

Thursday 18 December 2014

Earning A Fortune With Viral Angels. Is it Possible?

It's 'Theoretically' Possible To Earn A Fortune With Viral Angels.

Viral Angels Bentley car

What became clear since my previous posts about Viral Angels is that members who pay their membership fees ever month, receive Viral Angels shares allocated to them as a reward for that. Those shares are worth money, and they can be sold for cash too. Once a member sells his or her shares, the money paid for it in return can be withdrawn to the member's bank account on any given moment.

Top Three Viral Angels Membership Levels Turn Profitable:

As far as profitability goes, the top three membership levels have turned profitable since the 18th of December. It seems possible and feasible that one could forecast that all membership levels will get more shares allocated to them per member as that they have paid in initially by paying their Viral Angels membership at the beginning of the month.

Meaning every member will end up with a profit at the end of the month, should they decide to sell their shares.

That on its own should be enough to consider becoming a Viral Angels member. I was skeptical too, as you can read in my first post I did here on this blog called Viral Angels: How (and why) I Went From Overly Skeptical To Enthusiastic Paying Member.

I was overly skeptical and did not trust it as far as that I could throw it. But, I've changed my mind ever since, and am convinced Viral Angels to be a profitable opportunity for anyone who goes for it.

It is so simple. You pay your membership fee. In return you get access to the exclusive shares market. But, what is more important: You will get shares allocated to you. Those shares can be sold for money!

The higher your membership level, the more shares you get allocated. And the figures show that it pays to pay more. The top three levels have made their first profits today. Earned all their money back, plus made a profit. That is good news!

I also know that people can successfully withdraw money from their Viral Angels account to their bank account as that has been witnessed by a very good friend of mine. Her name is Jill. She is the reason why I signed up.

And, I am very grateful she insisted in me checking out this thing that made her money on the internet. This thing turned out to be Viral Angels. Something I had to see with my own eyes to believe and understand. But, glad I did. I am actually positive this is going to make me a profit.

Next month, I will upgrade to one of the top three levels (if I can) meaning, I will either become a Viral Angels 'Black Diamond Level' member, or a 'Diamond Level' or, at least Emerald level. For obvious reasons, my ambition is with the Black Diamond level.

But Can You Really Earn A Fortune? And How?

Let's answer that question. 

I've Bought And Sold My First Viral Angels Shares!

Buying And Selling Shares In The Viral Angels Market.

Today I tested out the whole trading process within Viral Angels. I have bought and sold shares today. And, to give you a first impression of it: It was actually quite simple!

viral angels

I wanted to experience the trading as a Viral Angels member myself and for this I decided to sell some of the shares that were allocated to me a few days ago.

As you can see, I've sold 8 shares I had, and then bought first one (to test the waters and to see if I was doing everything correct) and shortly after that, I bought 400 more shares, to be followed with yet another 500 shares.

The 900 I bought were a lot cheaper than the 8 I've sold. But, what happens if either share goes up 1 cent? 8 shares make 8 cents. 900 shares make? Correct 900 cents.

Buying and / or Selling shares in Viral Angels.

You can either choose to set your own offers to buy and sell shares for prices you decide and wait for others to act, or  act on the current share market price and buy and sell instantly by accepting the prices that are current. Meaning either sell or buy shares for those given prices you will see in the market place.

Both ways are very simple processes in which you will place a buy offer in which you will ask to buy shares for a price set by you. You set the price you are willing to pay, the desired amount of shares you want for that price and you click the process button. Moments later your offer is online for the rest of the members to see and act upon.

To buy or sell directly you simply select the  price you are willing to trade for and buy, or sell your shares for that price. If you sell your shares, that means you will have your money moments later in your account. Money you can withdraw to your bank account.

Personally, I thought it was very easy to do, however, you need to double check that you are doing what you want to be doing.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

All Viral Angels Members Just Received More Shares!

More Viral Angels Shares Have Been Given Allocated!

It has just turned December the 18th and just when I was going to bed, I decided to check in with Viral Angels. And, what a nice surprise that brought me. There have been two more shares allocations and they happened only just a few moments ago! 

That's right. All Viral Angels members have just received more shares. Here is an update on what has been given out (Allocated) by Viral Angels in shares valued in Euro, to each and every member from the 1st of December until today, the 18th of December: 

Viral Angels Share Allocations 1 December Until 18 December 2014 (valued in Euro) 

Gold Members: Total shares value received by each Gold member: 52.22 Euro
Cost Membership = 89.00 Euro Per Month

Platinum Members: Total shares value received by each  Platinum member: 125.7 Euro
Cost Membership = 145.00 Euro Per Month

Ruby Members:
Total shares value received by each Ruby member: 252.99 Euro
Cost Membership = 295.00 Euro Per Month

Sapphire Members:
Total shares value received by each Sapphire member: 358.84 Euro
Cost Membership = 420.00 Euro Per Month

Emerald Members:
Total shares value received by each Emerald member: 634.98 Euro
Cost Membership = 585.00 Euro Per Month

Diamond Members: Total shares value received by each Diamond member: 810.49 Euro
Cost Membership = 750.00 Euro Per Month

Black Diamond:
Total shares value received by each Black Diamond member: 1069.57 Euro
Cost Membership = 990.00 Euro Per Month

What do we learn from this?

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Viral Angels: How (and why) I Went From Overly Skeptical To Enthusiastic Paying Member..

Hello and welcome to this Viral Angels Pro blog.

Just recently, a good few weeks ago, I was invited by a very good friend of mine to have a look at a money making opportunity online called Viral Angels. Jill never was the 'make money online' type of person, so I was rather surprised to hear about it from her. However..

I had been working in online marketing for more than 14 years now, and the first impression I got when I heard my friend's description of Viral Angels was one that made me think to stay away from it as far as I could..

Viral Angels? Viral What? .. Who? Must be one of those 'too good to be true' things..

My friend was extremely exited over the whole thing ever since day one she got involved. This was 'it' she kept saying. She really did do her best to convince me. However from what my friend Jill told me, it was one of those (in my opinion) 'too good to be true things' where all you would need to do is to pay some money in every month as a member, and magically earn a lot more the next month after, without too much effort, as long as you pay.. Sort of. 

The internet is full of them.. So, I wasn't very interested.

To me it sounded more than likely that Viral Angels had to be one of those scams, or other types of schemes where everybody but me would be making a fortune. It took her a good few times repeating herself about this Viral Angels thing, for me to actually take some time to check out what Viral Angels was all about.

Not thinking much of it, I finally went ahead and looked up the Viral Angels website..

Viral Angels site

I quickly discovered Jill did not explain the full story on Viral Angels as it seems..

I investigated the Viral Angels website and tried to figure out just what it is they offer.  She mentioned that Viral Angels does indeed take membership fees from their members, but she did not mention that in return for that, Viral Angels allocates actual shares / stocks to each and every paying member.